Biblioteca San Giovanni, Eventi locali / Local events, In accoglienza/hosting, Scambi, corsi, seminari/Short-term projects, seminari/short-term projects, Servizio Volontario Europeo (EVS), Uncategorized, Vicolocorto, Volontari locali, Workshop

Advance Planning Visit (APV) for EVS project “C.A.R.O”, 20 – 23/03/2017

Buongiorno Ragazzi!

Last week, we had the pleasure to receive three coordinators of different sending organizations from France (Bureau Information Jeunesse), Spain (Calvià in Europe) and Poland (Bona Fides).

They stayed in Pesaro during 4 days  to talk about the EVS project that Vicolocorto will host from April, and so they also shared  some nice moments with us, volunteers! 

As EVS in Pesaro, we couldn’t skip the visit of our beautiful Pesaro. It was important for them to see the city,  to make a report to their next volunteers who will live for at least 6 months in Pesaro.

The coordinators could also take part to our activities like Talk Together. It was really interesting because Agnès from France and Manon from Spain joined the French table, and Hanna from Poland joined the English table. This event gave the opportunity for Talk Together to be more intercultural. With Italians, French, Spanish, Lithuanian, Hungarian, German,  Polish, Albanian, it was almost the whole Europe in Biblioteca San Giovanni!

 In that way the coordinators could share also about their countries, their culture and help people to improve their language skills.

To finish, they visited our house, to share coffees and breakfast, and saw how we are living. We gave some advices about our experience of living with other peoples, in an intercultural environment: promoting open-mindness, tolerance and respect.

casa sve

To conclude, We hope they enjoyed this week in Pesaro and they are always welcome here!



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